1. Amador is intermediate in dormancy between Lahontan and Moapa 69. It was developed by selecting 110 plants for resistance to Phytophthora root rot from approximately 2,000 seedlings of the USDA germplasm release MnPD1 following inoculation with pure cultures of Phytophthora magasperma.
2. Amador will be marketed primarily in the Central Valley of California where it has been tested for forage and seed yield. It will be used for hay, grazing and dehydration.
3. Amador has resistance to Phytophthora root rot and the spotted alfalfa aphid. It has not been adequately tested to determine its reaction to anthracnose, bacterial wilt, stem nematode and pea aphid.
4. Seed stocks will be maintained by Northrup, King and Co. and seed will be produced on a three generation basis with breeder, foundation and certified classes. Breeder seed (Syn 2) was produced under isolation near Woodland, California in 1975. This seed is sufficient to last the life of the variety. Certified seed may be produced from foundation or breeder seed.
5. Certified seed will be available in 1975-76.
6. Application for protection under the Plant Variety Protection Act is not planned.