

1.   Agate resulted from field screening winter-hardy, wilt resistant varieties for Phytophthora root rot resistance at St. Paul, Minnesota. In 1960, 25 "resistant" plants from experimental designation Minn. Syn 1 (now designated as the variety Ramsey) and Vernal type background were intercrossed. The polycross progeny were evaluated in 1969 for Phytophthora resistance in the field and rechecked in the greenhouse. Approximately 10-12 of the most resistant plants were selected from each of the 14 most resistant polycross lines and recombined to produce MnP-A2 (Syn. 1). Eight of the 14 lines traced to Ramsey parentage and six traced to Vernal type parentage. MnP-A2 (Syn. 2) resulted from a Cage increase produced at Caldwell, Idaho by NC-83. MnP-A2 (Syn. 3) was produced at Prosser, Washington and is now classed as Breeder seed.

2.  Agate is designed as a special purpose alfalfa variety to be used on wet soils when Phytophthora root rot is a problem. The area of adaptation is similar to Vernal and was especially developed for Minnesota but should perform well on wet soils in Wisconsin and parts of Iowa, Nebraska and North and South Dakota. Intended for use as a hay type variety.

3.   Agate is very winter-hardy with upright growth habit, dormancy similar to Vernal. It has higher levels of Phytophthora resistance and bacterial wilt resistance than other varieties compared with it in Minnesota (Iroquois, Narragansett, Ranger, Saranac and Vernal). It has low levels of resistance to Leptosphaeria leaf spot and anthracnose and is susceptible to spring blackstem. It has a low level of resistance to pea aphid and potato leafhopper yellowing, susceptible to spotted aphid.

4.   Agate shall be in the limited generation sequence with one generation each of Breeder, Foundation and Certified seed classes. Certified seed shall be the first generation increase of Breeder or Foundation seed.  Breeder seed was produced at Prosser, Washington. A reserve of Breeder seed will be kept in cold storage at St. Paul, Minnesota. Area of adaptation for seed production is the Northern Region.

5.  1974.

6.  No.

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