ACHIEVER (Amendment 1)

1. Achiever was derived from LM 455 by an additional cycle of phenotypic recurrent selection for Phytophthora root rot, anthracnose, spotted alfalfa aphid and stem nematode in a field selection nursery near Hollister, California and from a Verticillium wilt selection nursery near Moses Lake, Washington. A total of 450 plants were intercrossed in a cage isolation at Merced, California in 1990 with all seed bulked to produce the Syn. 1 generation designated as breeder seed.

2. Achiever is adapted to and intended for use in the western region of the United States where moderately nondormant varieties are grown. It has been tested in the Sacramento and the San Joaquin valleys of California.

3. Achiever is a moderately nondormant variety with fall dormancy similar to Sutter. Flower color observed in the Syn. 2 generation is approximately 90% purple, 7% variegated, 3% white with a trace of cream and yellow flowers.

4. Achiever has high resistance to Fusarium wilt, stem nematode, pea aphid, blue alfalfa aphid and spotted alfalfa aphid; resistance to bacterial wilt, Phytophthora root rot and southern root-knot nematode (M. incognita); and moderate resistance to anthracnose (race 1) and Verticillium wilt. Achiever has not been tested for Aphanomyces.

5. Seed increase of Achiever is on a limited generation basis with two generations of the breeder, foundation, and certified seed classes. Breeder (Syn. 1), Foundation (Syn. 2 or Syn. 3), and certified (Syn. 3 or Syn. 4) classes will be recognized. Breeder Seed (Syn. 1) was produced under open isolation near Hollister, California in 1990. Lohse Mill, Inc. will maintain sufficient foundation seed for the projected life of the variety. Stands of foundation and certified seed fields are limited to 3 and 6 years, respectively.

6. Certified Seed of Achiever will be available in 1997.

7. No decision has been made regarding plant variety protection.

8. This information can be forwarded to the PVP office.

9. Variety name: Achiever

                    Date NAVRB first accepted this variety: 1/97

                    Dates previous amendments were accepted:

                    Date this amendment submitted: December 1, 1998

                           Page 3 of 3 (1998)

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