
1.   AS-49R is a synthetic alfalfa variety having dormancy similar to Lahontan and AS-49. Thirty-one clones were selected in 1970 from a field of AS-49 which had severe stand loss due to Phytophthora.

2.   AS-49R will be sold in those areas where AS-49 is now being marketed.

3.   It has resistance similar to Lahontan to Phytophthora and spotted alfalfa aphid.

4.   Seed production will be on a three generation basis: Breeder, Foundation and Certified. Breeder seed from original clones will both be maintained by Farm Seed Research Corp. Breeder seed will be released to Ferry-Morse Seed Co. for production of Foundation seed or Certified seed. Foundation seed will be used for the production of certified seed.

5.   Certified seed will be available in the Spring of 1976.

6.   Application for protection under certification of the Plant Variety Protection Act will not be made.

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