1. Seed was collected from 13 plants chosen from source nurseries in California and Arizona for their seed production, spotted alfalfa aphid resistance, and general agronomic performance. Nine plants trace to the variety Moapa and four to Lahontan. Thirty-six seedlings were selected from each of the 13 seed lots for seedling vigor and serve as the parent stocks of AS-13.
2. Adapted throughout southwestern United States. Adapted in more northern areas than nonhardy alfalfas. Tested in Arizona and in the San Joaquin and Sacramento Valleys of California. Well suited for haying, greenchop, and de-hy operations.
3. Predominantly purple flowers, fairly uniform growth in spring and fall. Fall and winter dormancy is intermediate between Moapa and Lahontan. Upright growth. Tolerant to spotted alfalfa aphid. More resistance to downy mildew than Moapa.
4. Seed production shall be on a four-generation basis: breeder, foundation, registered and certified. Stock seed (breeder, foundation and registered classes) will be produced in California. A reserve of breeder seed harvested in 1959-60 is maintained by Farm Seed Research Corporation. Breeder seed will be released only to Ferry-Morse Seed Company for production of foundation seed. Foundation seed will be used for production of registered or certified seed. Certified seed fields will be established only with foundation or registered seed.
5. 1970.