ABI 9032 1. ABI 9032 is a synthetic variety
with 137 parent clones. Parent clones trace to 26 populations selected
for resistance to the following pests: bacterial wilt, Fusarium wilt, Verticillium
wilt, Phytophthora root rot, anthracnose and Aphanomyces. Phenotypic recurrent selection was used.
Final selections were made from 2-year-old space-plant selection nurseries
at Marshfield and Livingston, Wisconsin, based on vigor, leafhopper yellowing
resistance, leaf disease resistance, winter injury and fall dormancy reaction.
2. ABI 9032 appears to be adapted to and is intended for use in the North Central U.S. It has been tested in Wisconsin, Iowa, Idaho and Pennsylvania. 3. Fall dormancy of ABI 9032 is similar to Ranger. Flower color of Syn 2 generation is approximately 70% purple and 30% variegated, with a trace of cream, white and yellow. 4. ABI 9032 has high resistance to bacterial wilt, Fusarium wilt, anthracnose (race 1), Phytophthora root rot and pea aphid, and resistance to Verticillium wilt and Aphanomyces (race 1). Reaction to stem nematode, spotted alfalfa aphid, blue alfalfa aphid and root knot nematode has not been determined. 5. Seed increase is limited to
one generation each of breeder (Syn 1), foundation (Syn 2) and certified
(Syn 3) seed classes. Certified seed may be produced from either breeder
or foundation classes. A 1, 3 and 6-year stand life is permitted on fields
producing breeder, foundation and certified classes respectively. Foundation
seed production is
6. Certified seed will be available in 1993. 7. Plant Variety Protection will not be applied for. 8. This information can be forwarded to the PVP office.