
1.   A-59 originated from selected clones in established seed fields of certified Vernal, certified Ranger, and Common alfalfa in Eastern Montana in 1957.

2.  A-59 is adapted to the hay-producing areas of the Central United States. It has been included in the evaluation trials conducted by the Illinois Experiment Stations at DeKalb and Urbana, and by the Missouri Experiment Station in Mt. Vernon.

3.  Flower color is variegated but less so than Vernal.

4.  Seed production of A-59 shall be on a four-generation basis: breeder, foundation, registered and certified. Breeder seed will be maintained by Farm Seed Research Corporation and will consist of seed harvested in 1962 and 1963 from the original 540 parental plants. Breeder seed will be released only to Ed F. Mangelsdorf & Bro., Inc., St. Louis, Missouri, for production of foundation seed. Foundation seed will be used for production of registered or certified seed. Certified seed fields will be established with foundation seed, except in an emergency when registered seed will be used. Foundation and registered seed will be produced in Kansas.

5.  1966


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