A-54 1. A-54 is a synthetic cultivar produced from eleven clones selected for vigor and persistence from five year old Brookings, SD evaluation plots. These eleven maternal clones trace to thirty-seven single crosses that have parentage of 58% Vernal, 18% Buffalo, 11% Cody, 8% Ranger, 3% Lahontan and 3% unknown. Pollen parents were 21 clones of Kanza and 70 clones of Dawson selected from a spotted alfalfa aphid screening trial at San Juan Bautista, CA. The Syn 1 seed was produced by hand crossing in 1974 in the San Juan Bautista greenhouse. 2. A-54 is adapted to the central states primarily for hay usage. It has been evaluated in Missouri, Illinois, Ohio and South Dakota and will be marketed in the same general area. 3. Flower color is approximately 50% purple, 30% light purple and 20% variegated. Fall dormancy and persistence is similar to Vernal. 4. A-54 has moderate resistance to bacterial wilt and spotted alfalfa aphid, low resistance to Phytophthora root rot. Resistance to stem nematode, anthracnose, Fusarium wilt and pea aphid has not been determined. 5. Breeder (Syn 2) seed was produced on an isolation block in San Benito County, CA in 1975. Foundation seed was produced from a field planting near Buhl, Idaho established in 1979. One generation each of breeder, foundation and certified seed classes is recognized. Foundation production is in the northern area of adaptation with a maximum of three harvest years on stands producing foundation seed. Certified seed may be produced from either breeder or foundation seed. 6. Certified seed will be available for sale in 1980. 7. No decision has been made for plant variety protection.