2. 6420 is adapted to the North Central and East Central regions of the United States. It is intended for use in the Central and Northern half of the United States. The states in which it has been tested are: Wisconsin, Minnesota and Michigan. 3. 6420 is moderately dormant, fall dormancy 4 variety. Flower color in the Syn.2 generation is 90% purple, 10% variegated, and trace amounts of cream, white, and yellow. 4. 6420 has high resistance to Phytophthora root rot, bacterial wilt, Fusarium wilt, northern root-knot nematode, resistance to Aphanomyces root rot(Race1), Verticilluim wilt, pea aphid, spotted alfalfa aphid, stem nematode. It has not been tested for blue alfalfa aphid and anthracnose(Race1).. 5. Breeder seed was produced from cuttings of the parent plants planted in cage isolation to produce Syn.1 seed at Sloughhouse, CA in 1990-92. Seed was bulked in equal proportions each year and lots were kept separate. Foundation seed (Syn. 2) was produced from Breeder seed and Certified seed(Syn. 3) from Foundation seed. One generation each of Breeder Foundation, and Certified seed classes are recognized. A maximum of three harvest years each is permitted on stands producing Breeder and Foundation seed with five years for Certified seed. Sufficient Breeder seed for the projected life of the variety will be maintained by Dairyland Research. 6. Certified seed was available spring of 1999. 7. Application for Plant Variety Protection is anticipated. 8. Information in the NAVRB application can be forwarded to the PVP office. 9. Variety name: 6420 Date submitted: November 25, 1998 Experimental designations: DS9612