572 1. 572 breeder seed is a synthetic of 34 non-dormant clones selected for resistance to various insects and diseases from numerous varieties and germplasm pools. Nineteen clones trace originally to African germplasm, 2 to Sirsa #9, and 13 to germplasm derived from combinations of African, Sirsa #9, other non-dormant types and Lahontan. Progeny rows of each clone showed persistence under Phytophthora root rot conditions. 2. 572 should be adapted to areas where other non-dormant alfalfas are grown. It has been tested in the San Joaquin, Sacramento, and Santa Maria Valleys of California. Primary purpose is for hay with additional usage for haylage, green chop, grazing and de-hy. 3. Flower color is purple. Plant color is dark green. It is erect, fairly uniform and less fall dormant than Moapa. It is superior to Dawson in resistance to the spotted alfalfa aphid and the green pea aphid found in the Fresno, California area. 572 has a high level of resistance to Downy Mildew and approaches Lahontan in resistance to Phytophthora root rot. 4. Seed classes will be Breeder, Foundation and Certified. Breeder seed is the bulk harvested polycross seed of the 34 parental clones produced under isolation. Certified seed may be produced on fields established with breeder or foundation seed. No other class or generation is recognized as 572. 5. Certified seed will be available from 1976 seed production fields. 6. No application for plant variety protection is being considered.