555 1. 555 is a fourteen clone synthetic: five clones originate from Kanza and one each from 530 and Arkansas MSWT65, seven clones are from Pioneer's breeding program. The composition of the origin of 555 is approximately 36% Kanza, 7% Ark MSWT65, 7% non-dormant type, 26% Flemish type and 24% fall dormant type. Selection were based on appearance in clonal and forage yield progeny row tests; for resistance to bacterial wilt, spotted alfalfa aphid and seed yield. 2. 555 is a moderately winter hardy cultivar adapted to the Central Great Plains area of the United States for hay, greenchop or de-hy purposes. It is not recommended for a stand life of more than three harvest years. Forage yield tests have been conducted in Kansas, Texas, Iowa and Minnesota. 3. Flower color of 555 is approximately 90% purple and 10% variegated. Growth habit is nearly erect to erect. Fall dormancy is similar to Saranac. 4. 555 has high resistance to bacterial wilt and moderate resistance to spotted alfalfa aphid, pea aphid and anthracnose. It is susceptible to Phytophthora root rot. 555 has not been adequately tested for Fusarium wilt and stem nematode. 5. Seed classes for 555 will be breeder, foundation and certified. Breeder seed is composed of bulk harvested seed from the fourteen parent clones in either a cage or field isolation. Foundation seed may be produced only from breeder seed. Certified seed may be produced on fields established with breeder and/or foundation seed. 6. Certified seed will be available in the spring of 1980. 7. No application for protection under certification of the Plant Variety Protection Act is contemplated.