545 1. 545 is a sixteen clone synthetic whose parentage trace to Vernal (5), Culver (2), Narragansett (1) and Agate (8). All parent clones were selected for their resistance to spotted alfalfa aphid, bacterial wilt and Phytophthora root rot. Seed and forage production were taken into account in making the final selection. 2. The area of adaptation and usage are the same as 520 and Vernal. Forage yield tests have been conducted in Indiana, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, and Kansas. 3. The flower color of 545 is approximately 84% purple, 15% variegated and less than 1% cream and yellow. Growth habit is semi-erect. 545 is a winter-hardy variety based on fall dormancy tests. 545 has moderate resistance to Phytophthora root rot, a high level of resistance to bacterial wilt, and a low level of resistance to anthracnose. It has moderate resistance to biotypes of the spotted alfalfa aphid found in the lower San Joaquin Valley. Pea aphid and stem nematode ratings have not been established. 4. Seed classes for 545 will be breeder, foundation and certified. Breeder seed is composed of bulk harvested seed produced in a cage or a field isolation of sixteen parental clones. Foundation seed may be produced only from breeder seed in the Northern region of adaptation. Certified seed may be produced on fields established from breeder and/or foundation seed. No other class or generation will be recognized as 545. 5. Seed will be first offered for sale in the spring of 1978. 6. No application for Plant Variety Protection is contemplated.