5444 1. 5444 is a 12 clone synthetic primarily tracing through several experimental lines to Europe, 520, Atra 55, Atra 50, BVR2, falcata x Vernal, falcata x Culver, Dawson, Iroquois, and Scout. Selections were made from progenies derived from crosses among clones selected for performance and Verticillium wilt resistance with plants from the variety Europe. Resulting parental clones were further tested for pest resistance and forage yield based on progeny row tests at several locations. 2. 5444 is a moderately hardy cultivar adapted to the central and northern region of the United States for hay, haylage, greenchop and dehy. It is recommended that 5444 be planted where Verticillium wilt may be a problem. The states in which 5444 have been tested are: Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Kansas, Pennsylvania, New York, Maryland, Michigan, Indiana, and Washington. 3. Flower color of Syn. 1 generation is approximately 20% dark purple to moderately dark purple, 66% light purple to very light purple, 12% light purple to light blue variegated, 1% light yellow and 1% cream. Growth habit is erect in midsummer and semi-erect in the fall. Fall dormancy is similar to Saranac. 4. 5444 is highly resistant to Verticillium wilt, Fusarium wilt and spotted alfalfa aphid, moderate resistance to leaf hopper and bacterial wilt, and low resistance to Phytophthora. Resistance to stem nematode and pea aphid has not been adequately tested. 5. Breeders seed (Syn. 1) was produced in rooted cuttings of parental clones in "cage isolation" of sufficient quantity for life of variety. Certified seed may be produced from either breeder or foundation seed. One generation each of breeder, foundation and certified seed classes is recognized. A maximum of 3 harvest years is permitted on stands producing foundation seed with 5 harvest years maximum on stands producing certified seed. Foundation seed production is limited to the northern region of adaptation. 6. Seed will be marketed in the spring of 1985. 7. Application for Plant Variety Protection will be made, and the certification option will not be requested.