5331 1. 5331 is a 200 plant synthetic with parents selected through phenotypic recurrent selection originating from several experimental lines tracing to NCMP10, Saranac, Vernal, DuPuits, 530, Alfa, Flemish, Titan, Valor, MnP-B1 and other germplasms with minor contributions. Parent plants were selected for one or more of the following: bacterial wilt, anthracnose, Phytophthora, and winter survival. Germplasm sources are: M. falcata (4%), Ladak (5%), M. varia (18%), Turkistan (3%), Flemish (65%) and Chilean (5%). 2. 5331 is a cultivar adapted to the central and northern regions of the United States for hay, haylage, greenchop and dehydration. The states in which 5331 have been tested are: Iowa, Minnesota, Indiana, Michigan, New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Oregon, Washington, Illinois, and Wisconsin. The variety has been tested using the following experimental designations: XAR53, YAR53, 83SR221 and JHR872. 3. Flower color of the Syn 2 generation is approximately 86% purple, 14% variegated, and a trace of white, cream, and yellow. Growth habit is erect in mid summer and semi-erect in the fall. It is a moderately fall dormant similar to Saranac. 4. 5331 has high resistance to anthracnose (Race 1), bacterial wilt, and Fusarium wilt; resistance to Phytophthora root rot; moderate resistance to anthracnose (Race 2), pea aphid, stem nematode, and spotted alfalfa aphid; low resistance to Verticillium wilt. Resistance to blue aphid has not been adequately determined. 5. Breeder seed (Syn 1) was produced over two years on parent plants in "cage isolation" and bulked to provide sufficient quantities for life of variety. Seed classes will be breeder, foundation, and certified. Foundation seed may be produced from breeder or foundation. The second generation foundation may be produced at the discretion of Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc. A maximum of 3 consecutive harvest years is permitted on stands producing foundation seed with 5 consecutive harvest years maximum on stand producing certified seed. 6. Seed will be marketed in the spring of 1988. 7. Application for Plant Variety Protection will be made and the certification option will not be requested. 8. As a means of added varietal protection, information included in the Application for Review of Alfalfa Varieties for Certification may be provided to the PVP office.