1. 530 is composed of 24 clones from the backcross program and nine clones from Saranac. The backcross program was from bacterial wilt resistant selections from Vernal crossed with outstanding plants of Flemish type. Progeny of the crosses were screened for wilt resistance and those with resistance backcrossed to the Flemish type. Progeny were screened for bacterial wilt resistance and selections put into isolation for seed production. The variety Saranac was also screened for spotted aphid resistance, combined into isolation and further screened for spotted aphid resistance. 2. 530 has been evaluated in Kansas, Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Ohio, Nebraska, Michigan, North Dakota and other Northeastern States. Its intended usage is for hay, haylage, dehydration or grazing in the Northern Region and most of the Central Region. 3. Flower color from dark purple through light purple and an occasional plant with variegated flowers. Some variability in height during the entire growing season. Good persistence with more full dormancy than DuPuits and less full dormancy than Ranger and Vernal. Uniformly dark green when compared to Vernal. Resistant to bacterial wilt and good resistance to the spotted alfalfa aphid complex of the Five Points area of California. Has a high level of resistance to Leptosphaerulina, moderate resistance to downy mildew and pea aphid tolerant. 4. Breeder seed is composed of seed produced from isolation planting from bulk harvested polycross seed from a cage increase of the 33 parent clones. 530 shall be in the limited generation sequence with one generation each of Breeder, Foundation and Certified classes. Certified seed shall be the first generation increase from Breeder or Foundation seed. No restrictions on area or seed production. 5. Spring, 1973. 6. Yes.