526 1. 526 is a 21 clone synthetic tracing through several experimental lines to 520, ATRA 55, Vernal, Narragansett, Culver and Iroquois. Selections were made from several experimental populations for resistance to spotted alfalfa aphid and bacterial wilt. Also, selection was further based on high forage yield in progeny row tests at several locations. Rooted cuttings of the final selections were planted in an isolation cage and interpollinated with honeybees. 2. 526 is a winterhardy cultivar adapted to the northern region of the United States for hay, haylage, green chop, dehy and grazing purposes. The states in which 526 has been tested are: New York, Pennsylvania, Indiana, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa and California. It will be marketed in all of these areas. 3. From 70-80% of the flowers are dark purple. The remaining are moderately dark purple. In mid-summer, growth is nearly erect. 4. 526 has a high level of resistance to spotted alfalfa aphid and bacterial wilt. It has a low level of resistance to Phytophthora root rot and anthracnose. 5. Breeder (Syn 1) seed will be produced on rooted cuttings of parent clones in cage isolation. Certified seed may be produced from either breeder or foundation seed. One generation each of breeder, foundation and certified seed classes is recognized. A maximum of 3 harvest years is permitted on stands producing foundation seed with 5 harvest years maximum on stands producing certified seed. No restriction is placed on area of production of foundation or certified seed. 6. Seed will be marketed in the fall of 1982. 7. Application for Plant Variety Protection is not anticipated.