1.   522 is a 20-clone synthetic composed of clones selected out of 5000 spaced plants of the variety Vernal, selection of clones being based on clonal and progeny performance.

2.  To be used for hay, haylage, green chop, dehy and grazing in the areas where Vernal and Ranger are being used successfully. Tested in Iowa, Indiana, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Illinois, Pennsylvania and South Dakota.

3.  Flower color ranges from deep purple to pale yellow. The occurrence of yellow and light flowered plants is more frequent than found in Vernal. Mostly glabrous. Semi-erect to erect, slightly taller than Vernal. Fall height measurements indicate that winter hardiness of 522 is similar to Vernal. Due to short and tall plants, a field appears somewhat irregular as it recovers from clipping.

4.  The parental clones will be maintained by Arnold-Thomas Seed Service in California or other designated State. The procedure for maintenance of stock seed classes will be as follows: Breeder seed is produced from vegetative cuttings of the 20 parent clones randomized in a crossing cage or an isolated field and bulk harvested. Foundation seed is the first generation grown from breeders seed in the northern region of adaptation. Certified seed may be grown from either breeder or foundation seed, but only from these classes of stock seed. Seed produced from any other stock, or from certified seed, will not be recognized by Arnold-Thomas Seed Service as 522.

5.  Spring of 1966.


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