131 1. 131 is a synthetic variety derived from the recombination of 9 parental clones chosen from two groups of clones evolved from crosses of Vernal X Cody and Vernal Cody X (Stride parental clones). 2. 131 is adapted to central Wisconsin, central Minnesota, lower Michigan and southern Ontario, south to including all of Iowa, Indiana, Illinois, Ohio and comparable latitudes eastward into New York and Pennsylvania. 131 is also adapted to northern California and Nevada. Tests have been conducted in all regions of major utilization. 3. Flowers predominately blue. Plant type erect with rapid recovery after harvest. Pubescence none to scanty. Moderate resistance to bacterial wilt. 4. Seed stocks will be limited to breeders, foundation and certified. A supply of foundation seed has been produced by Cal/West Seeds and will provide stock seed for future certified production. 5. Seed from fields now established will be marketed as certified seed beginning December, 1976. 6. Application for Plant Variety Protection is not likely.