130 1. 130 is a 17-clone synthetic of Maryland nursery selections from five W-L Research, Inc. experimentals. The five synthetics trace to Atlantic, Cayuga, WL 305, Saranac, Vernal, Nebraska 67-2813, 20 DRC male sterile X WL 202 crosses, WL 210, WL 303, and an M. falcata source P1 231731, which had undergone successive recombinations of resistant plants from screening tests beginning in 1963 with pea aphid, spotted alfalfa aphid and bacterial wilt with concurrent field observation and forage yield tests. 2. 130 is to be merchandised for hay or haylage production from NJ west to IA, NE and KS, (plant hardiness zones 4, 5, 6 and 7). 130 has been tested in MD, NJ, PA, Ontario, Canada, NE, IL, MI, IA, MO and KS. 3. Flower colors approximate 80% purple, 3% dark purple, 15% variegated and 2% yellow or white. 130 is similar in fall dormancy to Saranac. 4. 130 has resistance to bacterial wilt, pea aphid endemic to MD and CA, spotted alfalfa aphid endemic to Bakersfield, CA, moderate resistance to anthracnose, Fusarium wilt and stem nematode and low resistance to Phytophthora root rot. 5. Seed production shall be on a three generation basis, breeder (Syn 1), foundation (Syn 2), and certified (Syn 3). Breeder seed was produced in Kern County, CA and is maintained in environmentally controlled storage. Foundation seed is produced only from breeder seed between the 37 and 44 parallels for a maximum of 3 harvest years. Certified seed may be produced from either breeder or foundation seed for a maximum of 5 harvest years. 6. Certified seed will be offered for sale in 1980. 7. Application for Plant Variety Protection is not anticipated.