Potato Leafhopper
Resistance Empoasca fabae (Harris) Mark McCaslin and David Miller |
PLANT CULTURE Greenhouse Container ........ Bench, flat, or pot deep enough to allow root development Media ............. sand, soil or potting mix Temp/light ...... 24 to 30oC; 16+ hr daylength No. of Plants ...25+ per replication No. of Reps..... 3 to 6 replications Other .............. Spray and fertilize as necessary FIELD ESTABLISHMENT Location ......... Transplant 8-12 week old plants to the field in mid to late May. Spacing .......... 0.3 to 0.4m x 0.6 to 1.0m Culture ........... Maintain vigorous growth and control weeds. Location ......... Test sites should be limited to areas where potato leafhopper populations normally cause damage. RATING Rating can be taken at any time during the establishment year when the susceptible check is showing severe and uniform stunting and yellowing. A 1-5 scale is used to rate PLH damage. Both foliar discoloration (yellowing and/or reddening) and plant stunting are used to assess damage. 1 ........ No apparent injury 2 ........ Very minor stunting and yellowing 3 ........ Moderate stunting, yellowing is evident on 20-40% of leaves 4 ........ Significant injury. Plants showing significant stunting with yellowing on 40-60% of leaves. 5 ........ Severe injury. Plants with severe stunting; yellowing or reddening evident of 60-100% of leaves. Alfalfa populations can be characterized for resistance to PLH by calculating an average severity index (ASI) and percentage of resistant plants (i.e. combined percentage of plants rated as class 1 and 2.) |
Potato Leafhopper Empoasca fabae Harris SCIENTISTS WITH EXPERTISE |