Finance Committee Report
The financial condition of the NAAIC at the time of the 1998 meeting in Bozeman, Montana is satisfactory. Details can be found in the report of the Executive Secretary. Currently, the Executive Secretary and the Executive Committee handle the day-to-day financial responsibilities of the NAAIC.
The responsibilities of the Finance Committee (FC) center on long term financial goals of the NAAIC which are in concert with its mission. Presently, the Sustaining Membership Fund (SMF) is our only long term fund. The FC has also considered the formation of an Endowment Fund.
Activities of the FC have focused on the solicitation and disbursement of SMF funds. At the time of the meeting in Bozeman, eight organizations had donated funds to the SMF in 1998. In addition, travel grants were awarded to eight graduate students to attend that meeting. The FC reviews all applications for graduate student travel grants.
The FC committee met by conference call on June 22, 1998 to: 1) discuss ideas for enhancing the collection of funds for the SMF, 2) discuss guidelines for the use of the SMF, and 3) discuss possibilities for the formation of an Endowment Fund. The notes from this meeting can be obtained from the chair of the FC.
The committee intends to be more aggressive in the future in soliciting funds for SMF, and on following up with contributors.
JoAnn Lamb
Dave Miller Chair
Don Miller
Sam Stratton
Jeff Volenec