NAAIC Honorary Membership
Dr. Edwin T. Bingham
Dr. Bingham has dedicated his Career to conducting research on the breeding, cytogenetics and genetic transformation of alfalfa. He was the first researcher to introduce reproductive strategies for alfalfa ro reduce the cultivated tetraploid to the diploid level via haploidy. These genetic materials were then used to conduct significant, original research on progressive heterosis in autotetraploid alfalfa and its impact on fertility and forage yield. Theory developed from these studies is still utilized by breeders, both public and private. Dr. Bingham developed two public germplasms, Regne-S and Regen-SY that are used throughout the world for alfalfa tissue culture and transformation research. More recently, Dr. Bingham has conducted research into the genetic make-up of the persistence trait in alfalfa. This research has generated both theoretical breeding strategies and released germplasms. Finally, Dr. Bingham has trained nearly 25 Ph.D. And 15 post-doctoral professionals in alfalfa breeding and genetics.
NAAIC Richard R. Hill, Jr. Achievement Award
Dr. Mark McCaslin
Dr. McCaslin is recognized as a leader in developing commercial alfalfa varieties with resistance to the potato leafhopper, an important alfalfa pest. He sucessfully combined glandular hair germplasm with alfalfa lines having good agronomic characteristics. Dr. McCaslin has also been a leader in the development of new cultivars with improved forage quality and improved disease resistance. He has served as President of the NAAIC.