Minutes - 36th NAAIC Executive Committee Meeting
Bozeman, Montana
August 2, 1998

In attendance: Gary Bauchan, Real Michaud, Mark McCaslin, Dennis Cash, Joe Bouton, Mike Peterson, Dave Miller, Craig Sheaffer, Austin Campbell, Dan Skinner, Dan Undersander

Meeting was called to order by Real Michaud.

1. Report from the Local Arrangement Committee (Dennis Cash).
+132 registered participants were reported for this meeting.

2. Report from the Executive Secretary (Gary Bauchan)
+ Financial report (Beltsville Credit Union): Balance as of 7/31/98 is $18,291.51 and sustaining membership fund is $2,792.26.
+ R. R. Hill Memorial Fund: $11,371 ($2000 CD, ~$9,000 money fund, + cash)
+ Membership list on web page. Decided to update current list on web page.
+ Printing and distribution of proceedings, standardized tests, etc. Decided to charge a separate fee for hard copy, but will produce a transition to electronic copy. Also, decided to move toward electronic presentation for standardized tests.
+ Memorials - Bob Kalton, Ike Kawaguchi, and Bob Knowles
+ Jim Elgin did write a letter to the Minnesota legislature in the name of the NAAIC for the support of the preservation of the original Grim farm. No feed back was received from Minnesota.
+ Gary Bauchan wrote a letter to the executive board of AOSCA requesting funds for travel of the NAAIC representative to the National Alfalfa & Misc. Legume Variety Review Board meeting. The response was that they did not have the funds to support the representative at this time.

3. Finance Committee Report (Dave Miller)
+ As of 7/31/98 there are 8 Sustaining members of the NAAIC. There were 8 graduate student travel grants awarded at $300 each. Some discussion on covering expenses for honorary members with no conclusions reached.

4. Support for visiting scientists (Gary Bauchan)
+ A Dr. Yuegao Hu from the China Agriculture University in Beijing China will receive $500 from the sustaining membership fund to support his travel to the NAAIC. He was able to procure funds from his university for a airline ticket to attend the NAAIC but no funds for housing or per diem. Dr. William Occumpaugh, Texas A&M University will also receive $500 from the sustaining membership fund as a travel grant to give a presentation at the annual medic workshop on the new annual medic variety he is releasing. He also was unable to obtain enough funds from his University to attend the meeting.

5. Honors and Awards Committee (Craig Sheaffer)
+ Honorary Member - Edwin "Ted" Bingham (no funds needed - cost of plaque $86.10). R.R. Hill Award - Mark McCaslin ($500 stipend and cost of plaque $98.58 all from Memorial fund).
+ Discussion on "begging" for people to submit award nominees.

6. Standard Tests Committee (Austin Campbell)
+ A procedure for the acceptance of a Standardized Test to Characterize Alfalfa Cultivars has been developed and posted on the web page. Decided to place on agenda for Standard Test Meeting to get input on this.
+ All of the 1997 alfalfa varieties summary statements which were approved for the production of certified seed by the National Alfalfa & Misc. Legume Review Board have been posted on the web page. A listing of all the alfalfa varieties which have been approved since 1962 is also posted on the web page.
+ Discussion on the question of "Should the NAAIC Standardized Test procedures be published on the web page"? Downside: This will cost us some revenue! Hard copies will no longer be made available. Upside: Updating the procedures will be much faster! Cost of mailing updates will be reduced!

7. Report on the NAAIC Web Page (Dan Skinner)
+ Development of the web page, posting of the program & forms, posting of the abstracts, maintenance of the web site now complete.
+ Posting of the information on the various committees (chairperson, membership, duties, etc.) also complete
+Goal is to be the first stop on web for any question on alfalfa.

8. Report from Nominations Committee (Mark McCaslin)
+ Will present the following slate of nominees to the business meeting: President - Mike Peterson, VP - Joe Bouton, Secretary - Sam Stratton.

9. Report from Location Committee (Dan Undersander)
+ Joint meeting of the NAAIC and the American Forage and Grasslands Council (AFGC) is planned for July 16-19, 2000 in Madison Wisconsin. Registration will be run through AFGC and there will be one abstract format.
+ Discussed potential location for 2002 meeting.

10. Review agenda for NAAIC Business Meeting (Real Michaud)
+ Agenda approved as distributed.

11. Review agenda for Awards Luncheon (Craig Sheaffer & Dave Miller)

a. Craig Sheaffer - Honorary Member (Bio to be read by person who nominated Ted Bingham)
b. Craig Sheaffer - R.R. Hill Award (Bio to be read by person who nominated Mark McCaslin)
c. Dave Miller - Graduate Student Travel Grant Award Winners & Sustaining membership members.
d. Passing of the office of President from Real to Mike Peterson.

12. Other Business
+ None

Minutes submitted by Joe Bouton, Secretary, NAAIC.

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