I. Call to Order
Meeting called to order by President Real Michaud.
II. Approval of Agenda
The agenda was presented by Real Michaud and approved as circulated.
III. President's Report
Real Michaud thanked everyone involved for making the current meeting a success, but especially
Dennis Cash and the Local Arrangements Committee, Dan Skinner for the Web Page, Mike
Peterson and the program chairs, and the Executive Committee. Real was impressed with the
amount of work involved in putting on this meeting and was equally impressed with how hard
everyone worked.
IV. Executive Secretary's Report
Gary Bauchan reported there are 528 members in NAAIC with 318 from USA, 58 from Canada,
and 147 from outside of North America. He also reported that the new web site has greatly
reduced the mailings to the membership. He plans to update the mailing list soon. Finally, he
reported an overall balance of $18,291.51.
The following members, who passed away since the last NAAIC meeting, were given memorial
recognition: Bob Kalton, Ike Kawaguchi, and Bob Knowles.
VI. Regional Reports
A. Eastern Forage Improvement Conference - Gary Bauchan reported on the recent activities of the
conference. The next meeting will be in Truro, Nova Scotia, Canada, June 20-23, 1999.
B. Central Alfalfa Improvement Conference - Dan Undersander reported the 1999 meeting will be in Ohio with the date to be determined at a later time. He also reported the conference is considering pooling yield data from the individual state's web sites. One of the main problems being encountered is spelling problems with variety names.
C. Western Alfalfa Improvement Conference - John Kugler reported the next meeting is scheduled for Powell, Wyoming. They have also established a student travel grant program. They will try and following the lead of the Central Conference in placing yield tests on the web. Finally, the membership is concerned with the long term supply of seed for the standard check varieties.
VII. Committee Reports
A. Industry Liaison Committee - Dave Johnson presented report for Jon Reich. The following two
actions were discussed by the committee. 1) The committee was expanded to include a voting
member from each seed company conducting alfalfa breeding and variety release. 2) The
committee would also like to have the responsibility for recommending to the Alfalfa Committee of
the American Seed Trade Association (ASTA) an individual to serve as the ASTA representative to
the National Alfalfa Variety Review Board (NAVRB).
B. Committee on Available Breeding Lines - Charles Brummer reported this is a new committee. The committee discussed the inclusion of non-Crop Science registered varieties into GRIN system and will try and develop criteria to include varieties in GRIN. The fate of breeding lines after a breeder's retirement was also discussed.
C. Biotechnology Committee - Deborah Samac indicated the committee prepared a summary on the worldwide use of biotechnology in alfalfa improvement. The summary will be contained in their published report.
D. Standard Tests Committee - Austin Campbell presented to the membership revisions for the following tests: Aphanomyces Root Rot Resistance (Races 1 and 2), Fall Dormancy, Grazing Tolerance, and Potato Leafhopper Resistance. Revisions were voted on and passed. The following motions were also presented, discussed, and passed: Membership on the committee will include a person from each discipline (e.g. breeding, management, pest resistance, etc.). 2) For each test, the specialists will be updated each year as necessary.
E. Bylaws Committee - John Caddel presented as a motion 6 bylaw changes which had been posted on thee web prior to the meeting. During discussion, Larry Teuber offered a friendly amendment (accepted by Caddel) to keep the Committee on Available Breeding Lines as a standing committee. All changes were approved.
F. Regulatory Issues Committee - Mike Peterson indicated the committee discussed problems with the PVP office not accepting all NAAIC standard tests. The committee will open a dialogue with PVP to rationalize the differences. Also, suggested the President of NAAIC draft letter to PVP office to help implement this meeting. Other topics of discussion were complexity of APHIS requirements for obtaining field release clearance of transgenic alfalfa and the problem of transgene dissemination in commercial seed fields.
G. Alfalfa Crop Germplasm Committee - Larry Teuber summarized the activities of the committee for Jeff Volenec. Jeff Volenec is now chair and Larry Teuber secretary of the committee. New members include Jessica Brummer and Dan Skinner.
H. National Alfalfa Variety Review Board - Dennis Cash summarized the activities of the committee and reported that the new name of the committee is the National Alfalfa and Miscellaneous Legume Variety Review Board.
I. Finance Committee - Dave Miller reported the financial condition of the NAAIC is currently
satisfactory. He also discussed the long term financial goals for the NAAIC including the
formation of and Endowment Fund and travel grants for graduate students.
J. Locations Committee - Dan Undersander reported the next NAAIC meeting will be a joint
meeting of the NAAIC & AFGC and is scheduled for 16-19 July 2000 in Madison, WI. The 2002
meeting is scheduled for California (Teuber presented invitation) and possibly for Quebec in 2004.
K. Nominations Committee - Mark McCaslin presented motion to accept the following slate of nominees: President - Mike Peterson, Vice President - Joe Bouton, and Secretary - Sam Stratton. Motion passed.
L. Resolutions Committee - Dan Skinner presented the following resolution: The membership expresses commendations and its sincere appreciation to President Real Michaud, Executive Secretary Gary Bauchan, Program Chair and Vice President Mike Peterson, Local Arrangements Chair Dennis Cash, the Local Arrangements Committee of Ray Ditterline, Robert Dunn, Katie Cash, Sharon Ditterline, Kurt Blunt, Ratina Christopher, Andy Lenssen, Sue Blodgett, and Cheryl Johnson, Secretary Joe Bouton, Past President Mark McCaslin, mid-conference tour guides David Baumbauer, Larry Holzworth, Chris Murphy, and Ken Flikkema, all committee chairpersons, and all presenters and discussion participants for an exceptionally informative and productive 36th North American Alfalfa Improvement Conference. Moved and seconded to accept the resolution. Motion passed.
VIII. New Business
Thad Busbice introduced a motion to have the Standard Tests Committee to consider the
problem of how pest resistance is described (e.g. S, LR, MR, R, HR). Motion passed.
IX. Adjourn
President Real Michaud passed the gavel to incoming President Mike Peterson who then adjourned
the meeting.
Minutes submitted by Joe Bouton, Secretary, NAAIC.